This phone ad is AWESOME! Too bad it's $700. Believe that the Nokia n96 has 16GB of internal memory. It's basically a modern computer.
What I want in a phone:
- ≥5 megapixal camera
- Samsung, Sony Erickson, or Motorola
- Simple (No extra buttons/features)
Pretty sure this is the phone I want:
- Samsung G600 - This is exactly what I want.
Others Phone I'm looking at:
- Motorola ZINE ZN5 - This one is awesome expect for the weird keyboard.
- LG KC550 - This one might only be sold in Europe.
- Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic - This one is the cheapest [free with discount], but it doesn't have the good camera.
The Problem: They are all $180 phones save the last phone.
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