Claim Homosexuality is normal and ought to be a perfectly acceptable lifestyle in society. I believe Moffett is pushing his liberal social and political agendas through the evolution of his popular television shows, Sherlock and Doctor Who . This claim may not be a surprise to most liberal fans of Steven Moffett's show, but it might be new for some conservative "Whovians" and "Sherlockians" out there. If you are liberal in nature, you might be like, "Awesome! Finally!" For conservative readers, my hope for you is that by reading this post you would at least acknowledge what liberal messages you are consuming. Consuming new and different ideas is not the danger. In my opinion, the danger lies in the subconscious infiltration of ideas. Therefore, I lay no fault on Mr. Moffett for inciting mass social change through his genius. I lay the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the mindless consumers of his media who believe without think...
Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment.