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Showing posts from August 3, 2008


I've found myself putting off a lot of important things lately. My self-diagnosis is that I'm afraid to confront these situations because they will not turn out the way I want them to. I appreciate the support I feel from all of you. I'll keep you updated by phone when I finally make things happen...hopefully very soon. ---------------- Listening to: Animaniacs - The Hello Song

Finally Leaving Provo---END OF AUG.

This is what I'm going to miss here in Provo: THE GYM *I obviously don't go to this many classes each week. I'll only go to one or maybe two per day. That number depends on if I have already done my own workout for the day. THE GIRLS This is what I'm looking forward to in Seattle: A NEW ADVENTURE ---------------- Listening to: Animaniacs - The Hello Song ---------------- Listening to: Tyrone Wells - Sea Breeze