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Showing posts from January 28, 2024

My Shepherd Will Supply My Need

Lyrics Sheet music Song Review Few hymns bring me greater peace than  My Shepherd Will Supply My Need . And no one sings it better than the Tabernacle Choir. Here are some of the couplets I find most meaningful: In pastures fresh He makes me feed, Beside the living stream. For me, this imagery reminds me that wherever I am, I am partaking of God's creations for me. He is my constant source of nourishment, whether I recognize His hand or not. ( Mosiah 2:20-24 ) He is the living stream. But it is up to me to come to him to receive His life-giving water. A word of Thy supporting breath, Drives all my fears away. "Peace." ( Mark 4:35-41 ) This lyric reminds me of the many times God's Spirit has banished my fear.   Thy hand, in sight of all my foes, Doth still my table spread; When my senses are trained on the surrounding threats, this verse reminds me to keep my attention on the Savior. He will provide. In fact, these perceived threats may just be opportunities to become