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Showing posts from May 4, 2014

STRESS: Finals Week Winter 2014 Edition

My Story 20+ years of formal schooling is a lot by any standard.  Ever wonder what it feels like to burn out as a grad student?   Here's a Quora thread where people responded to that questions .  Last winter, I, myself, had a rough time during finals .  My brain, and body, and spirit all went to pot after two weeks of high stress and precious, little sleep. Things weren't too different this time around... Here are my top five indicators of stress, inspired by my deepest, most-deranged regrets during finals week this year: 1. Growing a "sensible" mustache. I basically didn't look in a mirror for an entire week, so when I did actually leave the house (for Church) I reasoned that keeping the (BYU-approved) pedo-stache would lend me strength to finish strong, like the Nazarites of Biblical times.  Nope.  Just made me look like a creep. #CallmeSampson 2. Talking to my professors in second person (then switching tenses mid-conversation)....

Bryan Tribute Memes: Kid Blows Out His Sister's Birthday Candles

This wasn't an exact meme re-enactment, but my intentions were true.  I attempted to mimic the little boy featured in the YouTube video below.  (Parental warning: A British woman says the "H" word.)  While this episode was very impromptu, and would have been better had it actually been my sister's birthday instead of my brother-in-law's.  It has initiated a very fun tradition that I'd like to continue to carry out for the foreseeable future—re-enacting memes that is, not jacking other people's birthday wishes; that's only funny once. "You never know when, or where, he's going to strike!" "Gotcha!"