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Showing posts from February 20, 2011

John Tanner in Treasure in Heaven

Click the BYUtv image to watch a movie about the early church member, and my great (x5) grandfather, John Tanner. This old Ensign article about Tanner and his descendants (that's me) is also worth reading, if nothing else for the story about Amasa Lyman basically proposing marriage with a "Do you like me? Check yes or no" note. Side note: these are the same actors and the same set (LDS Motion Picture Studio) where I helped film TC Christensen's latest film, 17 Miracles.

My First Smart Phone: Sprint Optimus S

I'm finally off of the T-Mobile family plan, which my parent graciously paid for since I was a sophomore in College. This is my first smartphone.  I'm totally stoked.  I've already downloaded Angry Birds and LDS Scripture Study.  (I have to be sure to only download FREE apps because the Church is paying the bill this time. If I ever spend extra money, I am accountable to reimburse the Church via check to some guy on the 21st floor.) Although I had my heart set on an iPhone 5 through AT&T, it would have been significantly more expensive.  (The Church doesn't have a deal with AT&T like they do with Sprint, so I would need to pay at least $40/month plus the cost of the phone.  This Sprint Android phone is FREE!)  It definitely fulfills all of my current needs.  However, I have a friend who claims that he only pays $17 for his Church-bought iPhone... Phil, go ahead and take my spot on the family plan.  Enjoy unlimited texting! Dad,...