Cliff's Notes: Empathy is the invisible hand. Empathy drives action. To civilize is to empathize. Throughout the history of our world, we have invented fictional identities based on our associations and ability to communicate. We often call these time periods eras. Blood-Tie Era In the forager/hunter civilizations, empathy and communication only extended to the local tribe and shouting distance. Our only loyalties are to immediate family/blood ties. Anyone beyond the mountain was alien. Religious-Tie Era During the Hydrolic Agricultural civilization, the advent of script annihilated more time and space, extending the central nervous system of a civilization. At that point, theological consciousness emerged causing further detribalization and creating associations with religious ties. Nation-State Era (National Identification) The Industrial revolution of the 19th Century extended markets even further based on complex energy communicati...
Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment.