Dear: fellow Michael Bay haters, and people who are STILL unable to cope with a re-imagined 80's Transformers cartoon franchise, and those who were abruptly disenchanted with Transformers after the first film came out back in 2007, Transformers: Age of Extinction is critic proof. In terms Film Crit Hulk would understand, this franchise can't be smashed. Bay knows it. Hollywood knows it. And the $104 million in opening weekend box office sales knows it. The only reason anyone went to this T4 was to see the 10-second clip of Optimus Prime riding a T-rex. Film critics (who are concerned with story and meaning) will futilely bang their heads against a wall in their efforts to attack this film. " Trans-four-mores" was never intended to be a Nolan-esqe, deep-themed, psychological drama—it's your standard "we pay you money, you show us explosions" blockbuster transaction. Bay figured out this simple equation long ago: A successful Hollywood...
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