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Showing posts from March 17, 2013

I've Forgotten How to Fall Asleep Before 4AM

Image Source:  Etsy School is crazy! My fingers are literally starting to bruise and blister from the amount of typing I'm doing. My buns have settled on the plastic base of my cushioned swivel chair.  I can't remember the last time I watched a tv show.  (And that's saying something!) Here is a list of school work I will need to have completed before Friday morning: Anderson, Video editing (2-3 hours) Anderson, polished script (1 hour) Yanchar, QUAL paper (8 hours) Yanchar, Read article for Mon (1 hour) Yanchar, Read article for Tue. (1 hour) Yanchar, Read article for Wed. (1 hour) Yanchar, Read article for Thur. (1 hour) Williams, Patton chapter 10 on review (2 hours) Williams, Expert text on review (2 hours) Williams, Eval article review (2 hours) Graham, Business Decision Presentation (8 hours) Graham, CA commenting (30-60 minutes/day) Rich, website development (2 hours) Williams, read and comment on online class disc...

Finding "THE" One

After reading Jeff Hofmann's  blogpost  and having a conversation with  Anna Hargadon  this week, I wanted to share my views on the role of agency in dating as a Latter-day Saint: Scriptures to Ponder: DC 58:27-29 - God commands us to be agents and not wait to be commanded Matt 25: 14-30 - The Parable of the Talents; We are not directed on how to use our gifts. D&C 58:26-29  - " should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness; For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward..." Some folks (many of whom were raised on a steady diet of Twilight and Saturday's Warrior) believe in the concept of "THE One."  In a nutshell, if God desired us to have soul mates, He would have handed over the reins of mortality to Lucifer. "If you are walking the journey with Jesus, p...