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Showing posts from August 11, 2019

10 Things I Needed to Unlearn Before Marriage

Two years ago, I was far from feeling "marriage-ready". But, as of writing this, I have been married for eight months. What prepared me for The Big Leap? What's changed? After racking my brain (and heart), I've come up with a few possible answers. They all have to do with certain limiting beliefs I held (marked in red). I had to address each one of them in order to feel confident about starting a family.  —Color Coding— Lies: Unconscious beliefs that kept me from marriage Truth: Counteracting, conscious beliefs that facilitated a successful marriage mindset Lies Truth 1. My imperfection makes me unrighteous, and therefore an unworthy prospective husband and father. 1. Perfection isn't a prerequisite for marriage. 2. Single people are somehow incomplete. 2. I never needed “a better half” to "complete me". 3. I just have to wait for "the right one" to come along. 3. Marriage is a choic