Click for video Who is Ron Tanner? Ron is a legit Chris-Farleyesque standup comedian who was asked to work at for the LDS church. He began his address by giving some fun facts about his Tanner lineage—my lineage. I looked up one of Ron's references and found this great article published in a 1979 Ensign entitled, The John Tanner Family . Here are some defining moments in the Tanner Legacy: In 1844, John Tanner was called on a political mission to "electioneer for Joseph [Smith] to be the next President" of the United States (see History of the Church , vol. 6, pp. 325 and 336). According to the Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia , vol. 4, p. 801, before John Tanner started on this "political mission," he went to "see the Prophet Joseph Smith, whom he met in the street. He held the Prophet's note for $2,000, loaned in 1835, to redeem the Kirtland Temple farm, and in the course of the conversation he handed t...