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Showing posts from March 19, 2017

Just Some Fun GIFs

How President Trump Views Himself #'Merica 3D Food Printing #StarTrek 100% Mechanical Watch #Cool Megaman is tough. She's obviously read Peter Pan Ain't sayin' she's a gold digger. "WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS!!!" After using wet wipes for the first time. All the belts in a half second. Anakin vs Albert Archery dad has always wanted to try this out. Apology Level: Asian Husband Asian Breakdance Photocopier "So why'd you become an athletic trainer?" When I read an extremely compelling article abstract. Baby doesn't like kisses. Apparently, neither does she. Will we ever learn what pervy Vern was trying to communicate here? Backflip Photo Sequence. If a picture = 1000 words, GIFs typically ≥ 100,000 words. Essentially, each one of these GIFs communicates the same amount as (or more than) Harper Lee's To Kill A mockingbird ( 99,121 words ).