Chen admittedly does only 6 things in life: Eat Sleep Engineering Talks with his wife Ping Pong Occasionally, badminton You'd think that would make it easy to buy him a birthday present, but it's not. Fortunately, Stef and I were at the mall the other day and we came across a backyard badminton set for only $26. All the roommates chipped in and bought it for him and we are going to set it up for him around the apartment complex here and then make him a traditional Chinese dinner. P.S. Chen and I finally played ping pong yesterday after more than a week of him "needing to concentrate on his engineering equations." (I didn't take him seriously for the first little while, but then I saw that he truly didn't take ANY breaks; not even for a 1/2 hour game of ping pong. We were both a little rusty yesterday, but after a little warmup we looked a lot like the players below. (I'm the German in the back, Chen is the one with the crazy saves in...
Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment.