Single men, at my age, are either ultra-ashamed or ultra-proud of their chest hair. Growing up, however, most of us were ambivalent. We either didn't have any chest hair to be proud of or, if we did, we didn't have any pressure to feel one way or another about it. The typical factor that starts guys thinking about body-hair grooming is girls' opinion . Guys will subtly bring up the question in casual conversation. For example, "Speaking of break-dancing, do you think girls generally like guys with chest hair, or not." Girls are often quick to respond with their opinion. If that special someone thinks body-hair is "manly", it flows free. If the hair is "nasty" it gets nipped in the bud. (I wonder if girls are truly oblivious to the purpose behind the question?) Rarely do you find an diamond-in-the-rough, like this guy, who is proud to not just rock their body hair, but sculpt it as well. Chest hair sculpting is a long-lost art. T...
Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment.