What Do These 4 People Have In Common? That's right! We're all INTJs! What a fun week! Dr. Davies, my Assessments professor, wanted to better manipulate (JK) understand his students by inviting us to take the Hartman color code personality test and the Myers-Briggs type indicator . My results: I'm a Dominant Blue , Recessive White, INTJ . I've taken both tests multiple times over the past 20 years and have consistently arrived at the same outcome (a reliable result ). I'll leave it up to you--family and friends--to confirm the validity of my scores. Analysis of Results I'll just share a few personal examples of my BLUE-ness : Blues are motivated by Altruism —I let other people catch up and sometimes win during competitive games, if I sense winning to be important to them. This happens a lot on the tennis court. Blues seek intimacy — Years ago, I posted to this blog 3x/day i...
Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment.