Cliff's Notes:
- Empathy is the invisible hand. Empathy drives action.
- To civilize is to empathize.
- Throughout the history of our world, we have invented fictional identities based on our associations and ability to communicate. We often call these time periods eras.
- Blood-Tie Era
- In the forager/hunter civilizations, empathy and communication only extended to the local tribe and shouting distance. Our only loyalties are to immediate family/blood ties. Anyone beyond the mountain was alien.
- Religious-Tie Era
- During the Hydrolic Agricultural civilization, the advent of script annihilated more time and space, extending the central nervous system of a civilization.
- At that point, theological consciousness emerged causing further detribalization and creating associations with religious ties.
- Nation-State Era (National Identification)
- The Industrial revolution of the 19th Century extended markets even further based on complex energy communication revolutions that annihilate time and space.
- Homo-empathic Era
- Since the global population all were derived from the same genetic parents, why can't we reach out empathically based on our association as an extended human family.
Right-why can't we? I hate to sound so much the pessimist, but those chasms are ones that I am thinking the human family will never have the willingness to try to bridge. Unfortunately.