I just ran across this satirical pic on Instagram, entitled, “the joys of singleness.” It got me reflecting upon my own journey through singleness and my recent transition to engagement. When I was single, I didn’t know what I was missing. As a pre-engaged person, I dated optimistically for years, but never completely felt ready for marriage. I felt contented with my personal growth & refinement. I naively thought I was chugging through life just fine on my own. This was until I felt the powerful benefits of enjoying an deep and meaningful connection with another, beautiful human being who shares similar fundamental views of the world, but still challenges me in other ways to view the world differently. I've now turned my once upside-down belief right-side up. I believe that close relationships are our primary means of personal awakening/growth. Being in a relationship is our ultimate spiritual path, not simply a outcome of spiritual practice. About two years ag...
Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment.