After 5 years long (and nerdy) years, I've decided to stop feeding my Cosplay board on Pinterest, which has more than 60,000 pins on it. Note: Unfortunately, if I unsubscribe from the board, it will disappear… The purposes of my cosplay collection were: To introduce visitors to a variety of new, fictional characters. To offer the cosplay community creative costume alternatives to traditional takes on characters. To share the joy of viewing well-done cosplay and photography by others. To provide a clean resource of tasteful cosplays, where you don't have to worry about sifting through dozens of source materials exclusively featuring scantily-clad ladies before getting to ones that you could actually wear to a party or convention. My personal purposes in creating it were to: Learn more about all the characters out there in the geek and nerd universes. Honor the creativity people put into recreating and personalizing their favorite characters. Curate a re...
Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment.