LINKS 1. 10 Most Healthy Foods For You . 2. 25 Weirdest Things Eaten By A Human . 3. Save 100+ Hours Over a Lifetime. Fold Clothes Like An Engineer . (Video) 4. Thoughts on Obama's Tax Cut Fallacy . PICS AAAAAAAAHHHH! Angry Cupid! This poor guy is done for... NO ONE walks away after receiving a beating from a Greek God. "Not Enough Time to Buy a Stamp!" --The cool, new saying for being short on time. (Maybe the slang for this new saying can be, "$0.05 for your troubles." That's part is my favorite part of the picture below.) WARNING: GRUESOME PHYSICAL ABUSE! This psychopathic hawk strips the seagull's neck down to the bone like an ear of corn! Look at him...He looks so used and alone. ...He's gonna need a ton of therapy. Election Ruiner: Palin's either going to take a big hit in the polls or, what's more probable, she'll gain even more support for having kids The People can relate to. Panda Lovn...
Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment.