I am tired. My sleep rhythms are messed up. But maybe I can make the most of it. Here's what's been going through my mind: --I was pretty shocked when I found out that firefighters pull 24 hour shifts. I had always told myself that I could never be a doctor for that very reason. Then since my interview, I have had the most difficult time fall asleep at nights. Maybe my body was just trying to prove to me that I could do it? --To assuage the restless nights last week, I would find myself at the gym at 2am to swim and run and lift weights. (I didn't like that one bit because all the weirdos come out that late. But what alternative did I have? I would just lie in bed, listen to my Ipod, watch a movie. I tried not to use my computer since I was the only one up.) --This week, I have shifted to 5am gym. I'll stay up until my last roommate goes to bed at 3am and then just lie in bed. I noticed, from the sounds coming from upstairs, that Nate Reese stays up all...
Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment.