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Just Some Fun GIFs

How President Trump Views Himself #'Merica 3D Food Printing #StarTrek 100% Mechanical Watch #Cool Megaman is tough. She's obviously read Peter Pan Ain't sayin' she's a gold digger. "WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS!!!" After using wet wipes for the first time. All the belts in a half second. Anakin vs Albert Archery dad has always wanted to try this out. Apology Level: Asian Husband Asian Breakdance Photocopier "So why'd you become an athletic trainer?" When I read an extremely compelling article abstract. Baby doesn't like kisses. Apparently, neither does she. Will we ever learn what pervy Vern was trying to communicate here? Backflip Photo Sequence. If a picture = 1000 words, GIFs typically ≥ 100,000 words. Essentially, each one of these GIFs communicates the same amount as (or more than) Harper Lee's To Kill A mockingbird ( 99,121 words ).

Fence Laws

My friend and mentor, John Hilton III, a BYU religion professor and LDS author, is writing a new book about spiritual "fence laws" for young adults. On facebook, John asked his friends for examples: "Can you recall a specific time or story in your life where a fence law kept you spiritually safe?" Here's the story I shared: My high school athletic training teacher had a playful, fun-loving personality and was quite the jokester. I loved it when he brought his dog, a high-energy boxer, to school with him. The two were like soulmates—ever ready to run up the nearest mountain. It was energizing just being around them. Additionally, my teacher held himself to high moral standards, despite not being particularly religious.   After school one day in the sports medicine lab, we experienced a pause from the constant stream of athletes requesting attention. I took the opportunity to share with my teacher (and friend) a short clip from one of my favorite comedy f

Top 10 Non-Sarcastic Responses to 'Why Are You Still Single?'

Here's a collection of 10 responses I've actually used over the years to fend off grannies and the like: The Awkward Reverse. "Ahhhhh, the ole' 'why are you single' question — the question that philosophers, psychiatrists, psychologists, business experts, botanists, astrologists, astronomers, academics, mechanics, writers, marketers, journalists, politicians, and the guy working at my neighborhood VASA Fitness center wrestle with. Yeah…I don’t think I know the answer either. Why do you think I’m single?" The Obvious. "Well, it's likely because I haven't found the right person yet." The Comical. "I’m on a dating fast. Except it’s not really a fast as it is feeling like I’m in the desert and barely surviving. Food and water, like potential relationships, are really just a mirage." *Break from gazing into distance.* "Wait….what was the question?" The Intellectual. "Like Emily Dickinson, I am seeing

Breathe in the Love of God

Re: Connection During my yoga practice today, a thought occurred to me to compare the yoga concept of Prana, the vital breath, with God's connection to Adam in the Garden of Eden—He " breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ". As I practiced breathing, I visualized the air around me was a physical representation of God’s love for me. (Let that idea sink in.) For those unfamiliar with the term, what is know to yogis as  prana, the Chinese call  chi , the Japanese qi , and the Egyptians  ka . While prana is not exactly breath, air, or oxygen, this non-physical essential energy flows through and around the body and is responsible for your aliveness. In yoga, the concept of prana is very scientific. Prana means the original life force. — Prana: the Universal Life Force  by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, published in Yoga Magazine, Zinal (Switzerland), September 1981 From an LDS perspective, we learn from King Benjamin of the Book of Mormon that every breath w

The 5 Apology Languages by Gary Chapman

Intro Everyone's heard of Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages .  But are you familiar with his equally-important book for relationships,  When Sorry Isn't Enough ? This book, published in  2013,  shares the results of a study describing the five ways people give and receive apologies.  According to the authors, Love means saying you're sorry—over and over again. Real love will be marked by apologies by the offender, and forgiveness by the offended.  The key to good relationships is learning the apology language of the other person and being willing to speak it. When you speak their primary language, you make it easier for them to genuinely forgive you. When you fail to speak their language, it makes forgiveness more difficult because they are not sure if you are genuinely apologizing (p.17).  The Quiz Here's a 20-question, online quiz  (no spam)  designed  to help you discover your apology language. Click the "Start Quiz" button to begin: Co

Why Does "Safety Lie in Repentance"?

tl;dr — I'm trying to figure out what President Hinckley meant when he said, "our safety lies in repentance." I think he is referring to safety from fear, from physical danger, from the burden of sin, and from the power of the destroyer through covenants. What do you think he means? Scripture Study Question of the Day: Why Does 'Safety Lie in Repentance'? In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, LDS President, Gordon B. Hinckley, gave a prophetic General Conference address entitled, The Times in Which We Live , in which he taught, "Great are the promises concerning this land of America. We are told unequivocally that it 'is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ' ( Ether 2:12 ). This is the crux of the entire matter—obedience to the commandments of God." That's an uplifting prom

20 Gifs Under 1MB

Bill Cosby playing "Horsey" with Peter was one of my favorite moments of The Cosby Show.  The Knight can cover every space of the board consecutively without repeating a space. RIP Han Solo Husky knows you're making lunch w/o her. Tag your family member #Emmet Love this photography technique. Every graphic designer knows this project manager. Skillzzzz. Oh…*nice!* ~Loki Saving this one for April 1.  When I learn my friend's engaged…to a girl he met 17 days ago. I restrained myself from posting this on every political fb post this year … I'm so grateful for people who can engage in civil dialogue. Waiting for Season 4 like… Try out this dance. It's fun. Math. If washrooms had gifs instead of signs. "Live long and prosper." Fantastic Mr. Fox. Finally. "Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side