Exploring Shame at BYU
I recently had the opportunity to look at data from a BYU "Shame" study conducted by some Counseling & Psychology professors (CPSE department). Their comparative analysis provided evidence that BYU students (overall) feel less shame than students on other university campuses. This got me thinking...people feel and manifest shame in many different ways. How do BYU folks manifest shame?DeviantArt |
The LDS Church claims to preach the Atonement and mercy of Christ, but in practice our culture doesn't afford youth the opportunity to apply it. The BYU Honor Code is a perfect synecdochic illustration. Upon admission to BYU, "elite LDS youth" are required to sign an honor code, which entitles the university to revoke admission to any student that is found not adhering to the (many, specific) rules. By virtue of their age, typical 17-19 years old "adults" quickly read the document, sign it, and call it good. They then rely on their familiarity with the commandments to help them navigate any context-specific situations that might arise. The problem with this behavior is that everyone sins and make mistakes everyday—even BYU students (Bryan added sarcastically). Could some of those sins be serious enough to be grounds for dismissal from BYU? Perhaps! Therefore, students are intimidated into silence. (I would admit that all humans, to one degree or another, feel this way. But the more rules you have to keep, the higher the odds you'll break them and thus subsequently feel ashamed of your mistakes. This especially applies to Mormons --> even more to Mormons in Utah and --> and even more to Mormon youth in Utah Valley.) This leads me to my thesis:
Misdirected shame leads to the judgement of others!
Provo YSAs
Shamed into introversion
The non-confrontational Scarecrow innocently remarked.
Shorts above the knee? #JudgingYou
"Am I the only one seeing this?!" —The Innocent
Walking in on something you wish you hadn't.
When Mormon outsiders move to Provo, UT.
"Judgement Face" when what is said doesn't jive with one's reality.
"Oh, SNAP!" (These two guys are letting their guilt flow out on others.)
Judgement — Level: Mother (from Arrested Development)
Is that Christian bale?! I don't get the California one.