That class was boring! And I was constantly hungry. The class began at 3pm and it ended at 4:50pm. My class schedule didn't permit me to take any lunch breaks before then, so I was always starving going into it. Fortunately, the professor and I had an understanding that I could eat what ever I wanted as long as it didn't disturb the others or I had enough for everyone.
Some days, I would bring a few bags of popcorn and pass them around the class.
The best part of the situation was that my bus left at 4:53pm from a bus stop across campus. I would always have to run from my class in the JFSB, past the HBLL, to the stop beyond the WILK. It was quite a sight to see.
That was nice of you to share the popcorn. I had some classes where people would bring the popcorn and then just torment the rest of us with the scent.