The story of John Stone is legendary.
In 2003, this man decided to loose his beer-belly and went to the gym.
Five years later, after religiously training everyday, it’s difficult to recognize him. John Stone became a real bodybuilder. Every month, during the past 5 years, he took pictures of himself and put them on his blog. Click here to see what desire, hard work and strong will, can do.
*It took him a year to make the switch from boxers to briefs. Then he wears the same pair for 4 years running!
*He looked happiest just after he had slimmed down and had begun bulking up. Wait! That's right where I've been for the last 10 years! Coincidence?
*What do you notice?
Read more at Stones Fitness Webpage.
I have already posted an entry about a very big man who managed to slim down and to transform his life completely. (These guys could be The Brothers Stone!)
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