Here are the high and lowlights from last night's dream: DREAM LOW-LIGHT: I lived on a modern-day, family-owned farm, located far away from “civilization.” (It should be known that I am not a farmer. However, I’ve always thought a farm is a great place to raise a family.) A grand party was thrown on our estate and to my delight the girl of my (literal) dreams walked in. Naturally, I proposed marriage on the spot. Later, as we were walking into the marriage room, my dear old dad was waving around a large, wrapped present—arguing with everyone regarding how and when it should be (inappropriately) presented during the sacred ceremony. (FYI, Dad's always been particular about arranging Xmas presents under the tree.) Amidst the commotion, I seized the opportunity to lean over to my mom and ask my bride's name, having completely forgotten it. DREAM HIGH-LIGHT: I didn't care for that dream very much so I decided to fall back asleep and try again. In anot...
Self growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no higher investment.