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Building my Relationships with my Roommates

The real title of Elder Bednar's article is "Building My Eternal Marriage" but since I need to liken the article unto myself, I tweaked it a little bit.  Allow me to demonstrate Some of the things we have done to have a strong, happy marriage are: Pray together every day. When we pray at night, we thank Heavenly Father for our marriage, for the love we have for each other   [relationship], and we ask that our feelings will be strengthened and that we can become strong individually in the face of the designs of the adversary, who works to destroy families  [relationships]. Ask for forgiveness. We work to never allow pride to keep us from asking for forgiveness or admitting we are wrong. Love and unity are more important than who is right or who is wrong. Never speak evil of each other. It is obvious that neither of us is perfect, but we don’t say bad things about each other, and when we’re with others, we speak positively about each other. Defend the instituti...

Best Free iPad Apps of 2011, Pt. I

StumbleUpon Free Tired if visiting the same old online destinations? What to waste an entire DAY! The beautifully revamped Stumbleupon app lets you Sam Beckett your way through the Web, leaping from article of interest to article of interest. You can also check out the specific links that have been submitted by fellow Stumblers who you follow if you aren’t in the mood for randomness.  You'll never know where the time has gone! Twitter for iPad   Free Once (or if) you become accustomed to . Twitter for iPad 's cramped composition box design, you'll find it hard to go back to TweetDeck for iPad or any other iPad Twitter client. It's not perfect, but it simply feels right in both horizontal and vertical orientations. It's obvious that Twitter spent a good amount of time in creating this app, and it was well worth the lengthy wait. Yelp Free Yelp's iOS app brings the Web site's reviews and recommendations to the iPad, but dieha...

The Pros and Cons of Perfectionism

The Advantages of Perfectionism : I'll work hard. When I do great work, I'll feel terrific. I won't settle for mediocrity and end up with a second-rate career. My exceptionally high standars will show that I'm a very special and extremely talented person, and that I'm a cut above other people.  After all, we wouldn't expect someone who's just average to be perfect! My Perfectionism gives me an easy way to measure my self-esteem. Other people will admire me because I'm so hard working and conscientious.  The Disadvantages of Perfectionism : My perfectionism may create lots of stress and worry. When I fail or make a mistake, it will feel devastating. My perfectionism may prevent me from being creative and taking risks, since I'll be afraid of failure. It will be hard to learn from criticism because I'll feel threatened and defensive. My self-esteem will always be on the line.  This may annoy other people. I often do my best work...