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24-Hour Fitness Sprint Triathlon

Today, I ran my first competitive Triathlon. It was a 1/4 mile swim in the pool, 10 mile bike on the electronic bikes upstairs, and a 5 km Run around Provo/Orem. Coincidentally, this was also the first annual 24-hour Fitness Triathlon and it was a privilege to be a part of it. Paul Dixon was there to support me and take pictures for the swim and bike portions. What a guy! Here are some of the fabulous shots that he took: Pre-race Glam shot (Matt Harrison was signed up to be #18 but he never showed) I started off slow and didn't flip turn to save energy over saving time but I still was the fastest swimmer... I rotated between freestyle and backstroke so that I could keep track of my laps Biking was the hardest for me; I've got to work on my hammies. Just before the run... The race was great fun. I finished 5th out of 24 overall with a time of 1-hour flat! Some of these athletes were "the real deal" with wet suits and everything. I, on the other hand, was the on...

25 Poolside Trauma Assessments

After a long Saturday morning EMT class, I came home with the weekend assignment to perform at least 15 imaginary assessments that take about 10 minutes a piece. After nice lunch at a new Mexican restaurant with my roommate, Nolan, and a little book review I ventured out to the Carriage Cove Pool with pressure cuff and stethoscope in hand. I wish I had taken a picture of the hoard of sunbathers surrounding the pool that Saturday afternoon. Just imagine the pool scene from Sandlot. There were probably close to 50 people--only 25% of which were CC residents. All I saw was a perfect environment for taking peoples' vitals. I systematically moved from one recliner-pool-chair to the next for three hours straight! Many of the girls surprised me by how willing and even anxious they were to have someone examine them. Many gave reasons/excuses for helping me. Some said that they had been wondering about their blood pressure. Others more straight forward and admitted that they just l...

Carriage Cove: Friends Silver and Gold

Gold: Paul Dixon, Engineer/Linguist Gold: Eric Koko, Frisbee Golf enthusiast, Med School at University of Hawaii Gold: Jolene Wong a.k.a. Mojo, Jojo, Kevin's sister Silver: Dan Seegmiller, New Roommate, Workout buddy Silver: Chen..., New roommate, Master at Ping-pong, phD in Mechanical Engineering ---------------- Listening to: Jack Johnson - Mudfootball (For Moe Lerner)

Carriage Cove Pictures: Apartment Living Area

Kitchen: Tree--$20, Placemats--$2, Candles--$6, Framed Photos--$14/ea., Table and Chairs--included Living Room: Spiritual Corner--Community Desktop computer, Ensign/BOM Reading, President Monson Living Room: Roommate, Nolan, who owns the piano and entertainment systems...and D&D friends The Super Nice Keyboard w/ Headphones and popular sheet music Living Room Centerpiece: My psychotic frog, Killa, and my vindictive snail, Dopey Bedroom Aquarius Life: Beta Fish (Also a killer, as seen with the empty snail shell) Name still under advisement. ---------------- Listening to: Jack Johnson - Mudfootball (For Moe Lerner)

Carriage Cove Pictures: Apartment Bedroom

This ought to give you an idea of what my Carriage Cove apartment bedroom looks like.  This is my first non-shared bedroom experience, and I'm very excited. ---------------- Listening to: Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You

Dream Update XIV: D.I. Diving

Last night, I played in a giant tournament of a modified version of tug-o-war. The venue was a backwoods junior high school gym. The two teams consisted of 110 players each, ages ranging from 4-26. Each team cued up in a single file so that one player on a team would face only one opponent across a line. One player wears handcuffs and the other player grabs onto them in the middle with only one hand. If you lost the previous round and your opponent won, you get to decide who wears the cuffs. If you both won or both lost in the previous round, you toss a coin to see wears the cuffs. If there is a toss, the winner of toss decides who wears the cuffs. The game was simple. When the referee says, "go", both try to pull the other over the line. If you lose your individual battle, you're out. The game continues until there is one one player left. I won; despite having to go to the bathroom very badly. To celebrate my victory, I ran to the lieu. There was only one urina...

Mom and Dad's WOK

What an amazing piece of cookware! I was introduced to this particular WOK a couple of weeks ago when Christina Johnson Duke invited me over for a couples date. I know I've already blogged about that but I didn't get to show you the EVIDENCE. Christina and Matt cooked the Panda Express Chicken in the Wok while my date and I made the sauces. Matt was especially excited to show me how the bater magically enveloped the chicken when it cooked in the hot oil. Honestly, it was pretty astonishing--he just rolled the chicken in the bater a little and then let the WOK do its work. While we cooked, Christina told me about how the WOK was a gift from my parents when they visited our house up in Redmond when they were married last year. She also shared with us the story of how they were nervous about carrying on such a large, metal item to the plane. They were sure that some metal detector somewhere would be tripped and they would have to leave it behind in WA. Fortunately for them,...