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Song Analysis: Your Blood by Aurora

Do You Recognize the Melody?

When I first listened to Aurora's 2023 hit single, Your Blood, I was immediately reminded of Lovefool, a 1996 classic from fellow Scandinavians, The Cardigans. I assumed they were both singing about unrequited love, but I realized they told different stories as I spent more time with Aurora's piece.

Background Interview with the Artist

In this article, A Matter of the Heart, Aurora gives listeners a glimpse into the meaning behind her hit single, Your Blood.

My Analysis

Essentially, this album is a love story with Life, symbolized by the heart. Inspired by a letter written by Indigenous activists from Brazil, Aurora's album, What Happened to the Heart? echoes their global plea for us to act more from the heart and less with the mind. The assumption is that, unlike our ancestors, we have become disconnected from all living things, including ourselves, and especially from the heart. We have forgotten the heart. Consequently, pent-up rage frustrates us all. This rage divides us and leads to annihilation. Your Blood is a treasure map to a place of peace and abundance — an escape from impending doom. The first step is to fully feel the rage within us. This burning is the catalyst that returns our minds to our hearts. Once the rage burns off, we are emotionally ready to hear the blood pumping inside of our bodies. This mediation evokes profound, heart-felt questions about where our body and blood come from. Finally, as we naturally rediscover our connection with all living things, we will choose the path of healing, not self-destruction. We are the cure.

Here is my analysis of the creative evolution toward the final masterpiece:

This + (This x That) Your Blood A little bit of this Your Blood Remix (see 5:05)

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Song Lyrics

Your blood, what matter is it made of?
Do you feel it travel in and out your heart?
Needles, stitching up the big holes
You've prepared for battle, as you fell apart
Are you dust?
You are dust, dust
Your voice drowning in the white noise
Do you hear the echo begging you to let go?
(Let go, let go, let go)
This earth, whoever was it made for?
Just wait until tomorrow, it might not be as cold
(Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold)
When all inside you burns like a star
It's after you burn out that you are
Reborn again
Reborn again
And maybe if you called out for help
Then I could help you outrun yourself
Come run again
We'll run again
But I
I refuse to die
I refuse to die
But I
I refuse to die
I refuse to die (na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na)
(Na, na, na, na, na-ah)
And we are dust
Hm (na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na)
We are dust (la-la-la-da-da-da-da)
When all inside you burns like a star
It's after you burn out that you are
Reborn again, hm
Reborn again
And maybe if you called out for help
Then I could help you outrun yourself
Come run again
Come run again
We are dust
You are dust
You are dust
You are dust (dust)
You are dust
You are dust, hm
You are dust
Your blood, what matter is it made of?
Do you feel it travel in and out your heart?


In the end, Your Blood and Lovefool are thematically similar. They both tell the story of love lost. However, in Lovefool, the singer hopelessly yearns for reconnection. And in Your Blood, the cosmos calls out to us on a cellular and metaphysical level, hoping we'll listen.

"The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself." —Carl Sagan, Cosmos Miniseries, 1980


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