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Lessons in Teaching Photoshop

Tonight, I taught a group of BYU technologists how to use Photoshop to "touch up" images.  If I had tonight to do over again, here are five things I would have done very differently:

  1. I would have done a full run-through beforehand with real people.
  2. I would have called before arriving to confirm that someone would have been there to receive me.
  3. I would have taught my three main ideas up front, lightning fast (instead of staggering them haphazardly throughout the presentation).
    1. Photoshop is for COMBINING and ADJUSTING, not for CREATING.
    2. Use backwards design when planning out your final product.
    3. Don't be destructive.
  4. I would have dumbed it WAY down.
    1. Avoid sharing "my favorite tricks."
    2. If it's more than a three-click process, it's too much to retain.
    3. Show no more than two things per sitting.
    4. Then give them hands on practice, with coaching.
  5. I would have emailed them a list of resources and tutorials to view in preparation.

Live and learn.


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