It was my pleasure to encounter this Trekkie on Day 3 of SLCC. I first took notice of her during the William Shatner Q&A in the main auditorium. As he is 82 years old (but looks 60), his memory is not as sharp as it once was. So when ever he hesitated, or gave some incorrect information, this trivia-whiz piped up and shot the answer up to him from the second row. After two or three times, Shat began to just point down to her whenever he needed to recall something. I really was quite amazing.
Later on, I bumped into her in the main convention hall. I tried to get to know her, but she refused to break character. I asked her where she was from and just looked at me like I was stupid. "Vulcan, naturally." I asked her where she stays when she's on earth and she replied that it regulations state that officers are to be stationed on Star Fleet HQ while on duty. It went on like that until I simply ran out of questions and asked to take this photo of her.
Live long, and prosper, Vulcan!
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