Scotty West BBQing outside our front door. |
Benihana - Best roll I've ever eaten. |
BYU Art Exhibit |
Monster Taco Salad - Thanks Stef. |
The moment I decided I wanted to go back to grad school. |
Great web design book. |
On super sale at |
iwantmybabybackbabybackbabybackbabyback - Dinner group w/ Kevin. |
Scotty fixing putting a final touch on his bike (after months of sitting in our only parking spot). |
Stef's Kababs! |
In traffic, wondering what this guy does when he's not saving lives. |
When I slid into 3rd base with my keys in my pocket. |
Outside my conference room window at the Church Office Building, downtown SLC. |
Saturdays booked for the next two months. |
Christine's Ecuadorian dish for dinner group. |
I can't remember. I think I made this. |
This shoe made me jump hirer when I tried it on at the Park City outlet mall. |
Park City Art Festival. |
Steampunk at the art festival. |
JW Stevenson posing for an informal LDS casting shot. |
My Dirty Bib. |
Lisa Murphy is a culinary genius. |
Rock climbing triple date. (I liked everyone but my date.) |
Provo Canyon. |
Super healthy (and delicious) veggie roll. |
Scotty crashed his bike and left it on the street for the wolves. |
BYU football crowd at Turnberry Apts. |
Me trying to be like Kevin for dinner group. |
The only ice cream I eat, beside Mangum bars. |
Uncles working out logistics with my dad over the phone. |
Mystery sidewalk chalk. Somebody was watching too much Kid History. |
Sarah Ford's Mission Farewell |
Just leaving work, snapped a quick photo. |
This photo was not posed. |
Gabriel Antonio Parma painting his big, Italian heart out. |
J Patch at the Murray Boy's and Girl's Club. |
Daniel wore women's glasses to protect his eyes from paint splatter. |
Scott's hand-picked Costco steaks -- Check the marbling. |
Happy Birthday Dinner for Scott |
Uber proud of myself for figuring out how to print to tabs that no longer have templates in MS Word. |
Moving G&G into their new place. |
Windows. |
I love. This hole puncher. |
Hey... you live in Turnberry? I just moved to Midvale (about 72nd south). We should hang out sometime! It's been...a year?