Do your part.
"Everyone can't do everything. But everyone can do something."
This quote can apply to many things, but especially to our part in aiding God to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. We can see examples of this in lives of our recent prophets.
Every Prophet, for at least the last 20 years, has emphasized something specific in their attempt to move forward the global missionary/redemption effort of the Church. President Kimball emphasized the use of the Book of Mormon in bringing members into the Church. President Howard W. Hunter emphasized temple worthiness of the members. That lead to President Hinckley who made holy temples accessible to those worthy members. And as the recently sustained Prophet, President Monson, I'm sure, will continue the pattern of helping people towards salvation in his own way.
We, too, each have a role to play in moving forward the three-fold mission of the church. But like our modern day prophets, we must find and execute that which we are good at doing. We should ponder and prayerfully discover our niche in the great missionary effort. Our forté may be apparent or it may be subtle.
Here are some ideas of things you can do:
- finding people for the missionaries to teach
- being an excellent neighbor
- cooking for others/befriending less-active and non-members in addition to strong members
- using facebook to spread news about the Church
- sharing your testimony on a blog
- Posting a link to your testimony on your facebook profile under "religious views" so that when people stalk you, they can read something more than just, "LDS."
- genealogical research
- genealogical data entry
- endowment temple work
- baptisms for the dead
- Inviting others to go with you to the temple
- etc.
We each have a baptismal responsibility to God to discover what we have a talent for and to do it. Good luck.
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