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Best Ukulele Chord Charts on the Web Ukulele-Tabs chord chart: 184 Chords Same formatting as is found on many ukulele chord websites Comprehensive, Consistant, Orderly Includes Slash chords at the bottom Aloha Festival Chord Chart Aloha Festival Chord Chart: Although this one has difficulty loading sometimes, it's by far the most comprehensive. Easily shareable.

Fab Five for Singles

Image Source: DeviantArt The first counselor in my young single adult ward looked out over the congregation said, "you guys need to start dating." And with that he told us how. He gave us the "Fab Five" challenge. Fab Five Challenge: Identify 5 ladies you would like to know better. Determine what qualities you are hoping they have. Fairly evaluate where you stand with respect to the same or similar qualities. Improve and grow where necessary. Facilitate, encourage and/or arrange time together with your fab five. Matters of the heart require taking a risk, so take a risk. Don't get discouraged if Miss Right isn't among the 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd batch of five. Trust in the Lord but realize he trusts in you to do your part. Original Creative Credit: Wendy Woodfield, home teachee and individual extraordinaire

TeeFury Mashups

Tees today. Gone tomorrow. Generally, this post would go on Tumblr, but since I've actually purchased one on these, I thought I'd post a collection of my favorite mashup tees from this site .

Ron Tanner on

Click for video Who is Ron Tanner? Ron is a legit Chris-Farleyesque standup comedian who was asked to work at for the LDS church.  He began his address by giving some fun facts about his Tanner lineage—my lineage.  I looked up one of Ron's references and found this great article published in a 1979 Ensign entitled, The John Tanner Family . Here are some defining moments in the Tanner Legacy: In 1844, John Tanner was called on a political mission to "electioneer for Joseph [Smith] to be the next President"  of the United States (see  History of the Church , vol. 6, pp. 325 and 336). According to the  Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia , vol. 4, p. 801, before John Tanner started on this "political mission," he went to "see the Prophet Joseph Smith, whom he met in the street. He held the Prophet's note for $2,000, loaned in 1835, to redeem the Kirtland Temple farm, and in the course of the conversation he handed t...

Why I Don't Drink Soda Pop

About 5 years ago, my body said to me, "stop drinking that sugar syrup.  I don't like it anymore!" Then I said, "But remember when you were seven and I purchased that Dr. Pepper for you at the school carnaval?  You said it was the best thing you had ever experienced." "I was SEVEN," Body retorted!  "I didn't know what I wanted.  I was still tasting things for the first time and let's face it, I could handle whatever amount of sugar you sent my way.  Now…not so much." And that was that.  From then on, I agreed to only ingest soda pop in special social situations (including but not limited to dares ). Thanks to the following diagram, provided by  Term Life Insurance , I understand why my body felt the way it did.


Upon my mom's recommendation, I decided to watch the pilot of ABC's Spring release, Missing , last night.  She said that all the girls in the family loved it.  I had plenty of reasons not to check it out, the least of which is that I can't relate to the protagonist in the least.  However, I did want to make an effort to connect with my mom and sisters.  So, not wanting to miss out (like I did with Monk and Psych) I set aside my reservations and downloaded it. The premise was good. The series follows “Becca” Winstone (Ashley Judd), a widow and retired CIA agent with an 18-year-old son, Michael (Nick Eversman). In 2001, when Becca and her husband Paul Winstone (Sean Bean) were active CIA agents, he was killed in a car bombing witnessed by their son. In the pilot, Michael informs his mother that he has been accepted to an architecture program in Rome. Becca, who now lives an ordinary life running a florist shop, is hesitant to let him go but gives in. Af...

iReward Chart—Parenting Tool of the Day

If you own an Android device and have kids, this app is worth its weight in gold. My wife has been using the iPhone version with our kids, it has yielded great results.  The idea: You work with your children to set tasks, behaviors, chores, etc. that they can work on. Using the app you keep track of their behavior, earning them stars. For instance each time your daughter exercises noticeable patience or puts her dinner plate in the sink after dinner, she earns a star. The result is a family economy, they can use their stars to get things they want: candy, time at the park, cruise to Alaska (takes a lot of stars :-) Amazon: FREE (today only), retail: $3.99 iTunes: $3.99