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Hot Movies for Fall 2009

Personal reviews of new movies I want to see: Surrogates - Tagline: "How do you save humanity when the only thing that's real is you?" After watching TV spot for the first time, I was like, "Oh, great. Another Matrix/Minority Report/I-Robot syfy flick with the same old plot. Maybe I'll rent it on redbox when it comes out on DVD." But after watching the trailer I totally changed my mind. This message is a great commentary on virtual living. It reminded me of that documentary I just watched on World of Warcraft and how it destroys peoples lives. This is just a Hollywoodized version of the same message, I hope. I can't wait to see it. I might even take a date to see it in the theater this Friday. I know, heavy spender; I hardly ever splurge on full-priced theater tickets. I'll shell out the cash if it's for something that I can think about and discuss for days and weeks afterward (e.g. The Dark Knight.) I don't care if Rotten Toma...

How I Got My Name: Bryan Bertón Tanner

The following is an excerpt from my Mom's journal, two weeks before my birth: I am due with my second baby in a couple of weeks and cannot wait to have another little person around- and also to be delivered of this 35 pound mass around my middle! If this one's a boy, we have decided on Bryan Berton. If it's a girl, we like Angela, Sabrina, Allece or Michelle- but we'll probably have to bring her home and try out the names for a week. This has been a very easy pregnancy. I didn't get sick at all until my 6th month -off and on I'd feel nauseous or lose my breakfast. At this point I feel like one of those 2 ton sea elephants. I have a very hard time getting in or out of bed and putting on or taking off shoes and socks. One interesting observation on the activity of this fetus as compared to Heather: this one seems so gentle and mellow, I'd hardly k now anyone was there but for the frequent hiccups. In fact, I was very, very worried from about 3-5 months a...

5000 Visits - Three Months Ahead of Schedule!

Major cool points for anyone who can name this original NES game reference! Hint: Released in 1986, it was the first game of its genre. It was still in the Pre-Hulk-Hogan era. Starman was my favorite character... Click Here for the answer and to become a part of the 1980's sub-culture Bonus: Here is a commercial for this game's sequel, Wrestlemania from way back when.

My Blog is Breaking Up With You

I've been using trial and error to discover what the people want from my blog. Ever since my September 26 post, you guys have been visiting my blog a ton! (Note to self: visitors like free music.) Since then, I've been getting at least 30 hits a day. That's like 100% growth! Which is still pathetic, but it's progress. If you scroll to the counter at very bottom of the blog, you will see that we are approaching 5000 unique hits since mid-March. (I was secretly hoping I would reach that goal by Christmas.) I hate the hypocrisy I'm living. On the one hand, I'm thrilled. On the other hand, you guys aren't helping me cut back like I promised myself I would do as soon as school started up again. My goal is to limit posts to two or three times a week. If you continue to check my blog at this rate, I will feel obligated to continuing posting every day. This is difficult for me to say, but we need to stop seeing each other so frequently. Yeah. That...

Raptor in your Raptor

Happy Monday, everyone. Here's a LOL to get your brains going for the week.  I thought I'd contribute to the "Yo Dawg" internet meme . Better late than never, right? Original creation Not quite. But I'm getting there. For those who don't get it, it's a velociraptor in the cockpit of an F-22 Jet Fighter, code name: Raptor. ( Yes, I know it's actually a T-rex , not a Velociraptor.) Here's how the current Yo Dawg meta-formula works: "Yo dawg, I herd you like X , so we put a Y in your Y so you can Z while you Z ". E.g., Xibit says, Yo Dawg, I heard you like cars, so I put a car in your car so you can drive while you drive.

BYU vs. USU Football

BYU and USU are facing off tonight in Provo at 7pm. The game will be broadcast on channel 37, The Mountain. The reason why these "LDS" teams are playing on Saturday is so their fans can travel and attend General Conference on Saturday and Sunday. I watched my first USU Aggie football game one or two weeks ago against Southern Utah University. It was a pathetic sight. I felt like I was watching overly enthusiastic intramural teams have at it. (I left a halftime.) I gonna call the game score right now. I'm thinking 52 to 10 BYU. My prediction for tonight's game is not much more generous than ESPN's. They predict a complete lopsided match with a potential score of 75 to 20 BYU. In these situations, where I have attended both schools, I can safely say, "GO BLUE!" Post-Game Report USU had a chance! BYU turned over the ball a ton. With 2 minutes left, the score was only 28-10 BYU. The final score was something like 28-17.