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My Idiosyncracies

id·i·o·syn·cra·sy ˌidēəˈsiNGkrəsē/ noun a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual. "one of his little idiosyncrasies was always preferring to be in the car first" This is an attempt at listing my idiosyncrasies: 1. I am compelled to put dishes away when I see them dried and still out on the rack. 2. I always turn lights not being used in my apartment off when I notice. (Our electricity bill is steadily decreasing.) 3. I never leave the seat up. If I am in the bathroom and notice it up, I'll put it down for the next use. 4. Speaking of bathrooms, I started using adult wipes about 2 years ago and now I can't go back. 5. I often will try to answer others' questions using the least number of words possible. 6. (I'll add more later.)

Dream Journal: Nazis (February 10, 2008)

Dream recorded: 2/10/08 4:31:42 AM Dream title: My Nazi Girlfriend Main Characters: -Lee McCready -Brian Spencer -Bryan Tanner Plot: The three of us attended a Nazi University. Lee’s girlfriend was taken from him unfairly by the party. (Details fuzzy). Depressed, Lee sneaks out for a walk through the downtown of our small college town AFTER curfew. If he is caught he may be kicked out of school or worse for his impropriety. As good friends would do, the two Brians split up to search for him. (We had previously been spying on high-ranking Nazi school officials. But when we discovered Lee’s condition, we aborted our endeavors of following them and immediately went in search of our friend Lee.) Bryan found him first and tracked him to a point where both he and Brian Spencer could close in on him together. Bryan couldn’t handle Lee by himself while insuring that there wouldn’t be a scene. Finally Bryan engaged Lee and began a therapeutic conversation about how much he ...

Paul Potts Canta Opera

Unsuspecting. Plain looking. Lacking in confidence. Who would have guessed what he had inside of him. (I wonder if I would feel as emotional if I hadn't pre-judged him so.) This video clip gets me every time. ---------------- Listening to: Eve 6 - Inside Out


12 Steps for embeding videos into blog posts: *You can only upload saved files from your computer. 1. Find a video on YouTube you like. 2. Copy the url (not the web address) of the video. This video url was found on the Google search page in green text font underneath the video's description. You could also navigate to the actual YouTube webpage and find it in the "embed" box on the right side. Our example looks like this: 3. Open a new web page: "" 4. Paste the saved url in to the only box available. (Be sure that what you paste looks like the example directly below the web box. Usually you have to replace "www" with "http://". Our example now looks like: 5. Select the format you want. The default,.avi, is already what we want. 6. Click start. It will convert the original .flv format to .avi format. *If the converting stops and says there is an error, you pro...

Bryan Joined a Soft Rock Band!

So my roommates and I created a band based on this one song we all know called "All Hands on Deck" by Waking Ashland. I've linked it here so you call all imagine me singing and playing guitar. Brian Spencer wrote a piano part. John, the Asian, wrote a bass part. Lee McCready (who broke a girls' window today with a snowball) is on the egg-shake. Please enjoy!

Why are US forces still in Iraq and Afghanistan?

President Bush launched the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003. It's almost been 5 years since that date. . . I've stopped keeping tabs on the US policy on the war in Iraq. After viewing some viral videos I saw posted on the internet regarding the training and transfer of power to the local armed forces, I don't believe President Bush has any realistic hope of pulling out US troops in the near future. (I hope the Al qaeda didn't get a view of this...) Which do you think is going better? Click on this: Afghanistan Or IRAQ

Name this Movie

"The Village Blacksmith", a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, is featured in a old-school, family-favorite movie. The italicized portions of the first stanza are the lines I'm positive are quoted in the movie. Can you guess which movie? " Under a spreading chestnut tree The village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands; And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron bands. His hair is crisp, and black, and long, His face is like the tan; His brow is wet with honest sweat, He earns whate're he can, And looks the whole world in the face, For he owes not any man." Click HERE for a hint. Click HERE for the answer.