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My Blasphemous Sacrament Fantasy

There's something I've always wanted to do, but will never actually do, out of fear of being sent straight to Hell.  Because in order to do this, I would be breaking one of the Lord's 10 commandments given to Moses—taking the Lord's name in vain.  I know it's wrong, but at my young age, I also can't help but think it would be a little bit funny too. I hope one day soon, I'll grow out of this urge... So here's my confession: I've always wanted to record the sacramental prayers at church on Sunday. If I recorded each of the sacramental prayers every week for an entire year, that would yield 100 different prayers/year, [±4], adjusting for conferences and inclement weather. Why would I go to so much trouble? Because it would be hilarious. Each prayer, over the bread and water, begins with the phrase, "Oh, God." Some people voice it really slowly, while others say the words like they're about to beg for their lives. Some people u

Bryan's 5-Step Approach to Missionary Work: Entering in at the Gate

How to invite people to join the LDS Church This method assumes that your friend already believes in God.  (See Alma 32:26-28) If your friend fosters a belief in God, regardless of the name by which He is called, the process of conversion is the same for all believers. (We believe that there is only one God, though He might be known by different names.) 1. Does your friend pray to God? 2. Has your friend ever received an answer to prayer? Have him/her expound. (Spiritual memories soften the heart.) * If your friend believes that God, indeed, speaks to man, they are already halfway converted. 3. Ask your friend to earnestly read from the Book of Mormon and then petition God to know if the book is truly from Him. (See Moroni 10:4-5) 4. Have your friend return and report.  Help resolve concerns, turning them back to the Lord for confirmation of truths being taught. *If your friend has been truthful, and sincerely petitioned God if the Book of Mormon is true, he/she will h

Severely Dry Feet

Do NOT wear your socks for more than 12 hours. Consequences may be severe!

Happy Nov 5th! Remember?! Guy Fawkes Day!

Who was Guido Fawkes ? I asked a few random people today, just like Jay Leno does, and some of their answers were pretty, darn funny: "Guy Fox? He's that one guy with the microphone on Sesame Street." "Is he the president of Channel 13?" but the best and most accurate response I got was "I don't know." Hint: "Remember, Remember the 5th of November." They also made a movie about him! Remember, remember, the 5th of November The Gunpowder Treason and plot ; I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 'Twas his intent. To blow up the King and the Parliament. Three score barrels of powder below. Poor old England to overthrow. By God's providence he was catch'd, With a dark lantern and burning match Holloa boys, Holloa boys, let the bells ring Holloa boys, Holloa boys, God save the King! Hip hip Hoorah ! Hip hip Hoorah ! A penny loaf to feed ol&#

Dream Journal: "You must really suffer from the terrifying clarity of your vision." (November 11, 2009)

Preface Note: I do not do drugs.  I just have weird dreams. Last night, I was groggily flipping through TV channels, when a sitcom called Bored To Death caught my attention. A budding writer bravely approached a famous film director at a NYC gala. I don't know why, but I immediate resonated with the writer's character. The prestigious director: "So, I really love your [writing]: dark, funny, perverted…beautiful. You must really suffer from the terrifying clarity of your vision." Novelist: "Thank you. I do suffer. Thank you." Cut to my Life "Yes! Thank you. I Do! I do suffer. Daily!" The words echoed in my mind as if I were responding to the director. "You have no idea what I go through every night. AND THE MORNINGS! The mornings are worse. When I fall back asleep, my visions become more lucid than before. And don't even get me started on what afternoon naps do to me!" I've been steeling cat-naps recently. (

AMC's The Prisoner

"The Prisoner is the story of one man's desperate quest to find his way back to his old life and claim his freedom. But with each step, the journey becomes more complicated. And as secrets unravel, the way out becomes less clear. It's an adrenaline-pumping, edge-of-your-seat thriller = one that will ultimately make you question what you think is real. The Prisoner: You only think you're free. " This nine-minute trailer for AMC's mini-series The Prisoner debuted at Comic-Con last month. I didn't discover it until just today. This remake "re-creation" of Patrick McGoohan's 1967 iconic British television show stars James Caviezel and Ian McKellen; two very gifted actors. The mini-series will air Sunday November 15th, at 8/7c. While you watch the trailer, think about how it is similar to other popular films and shows you've seen. I thought this show looked like a combo of "The Island," "The Village," "

Let Your Mo Flo This Movember

Be a Man! Get Involved! This November, you have the opportunity to help raise money for research into prostate cancer and depression by participating in Movember . Whether you're a brother or a sister, Movember is the month in which people gather together to grow and compare mustaches (and/or other body hair if you are unable to grow a mo). Participants from around the world begin the month clean shaven and cultivate their mustaches throughout the month. The month climaxes with participants comparing and appreciating each others mustaches in a manly, non-gay way. e.g. "Dude, I'm gonna grow out the fattest mo this Movember!" Save the world! Visit the International Movember Website .